Trusty simply engages all your teams in your employee referral program. Personalized intelligent communications, challenges, employee referral campaigns: discover how to recruit more talent from your best talent.
"We doubled our recruitment by employee referral in the first year".
"The Teams app changes everything for our employees: everything is simpler!"
"Your dashboard gives me visibility I've never had on our employee referral stats."
"The Campaign feature strikes the right balance between automation and personalization: well done".
Trusty automatically manages communication around your employee referral program to ensure the commitment of all your teams, both in the office and in the field.
Increase the engagement of your teams in the office and in the field with personalized campaigns. Create email, Slack or Teams campaigns in less than 5 minutes.
Create tailor-made challenges, and benefit from Trusty's automated animation to engage all your employees. Launch your challenges in less than a week, with a gamified experience for your employees, and increase your recruitment by employee referral.
Give visibility to your employee referral program. Offer your field teams a simple employee referral experience.
Click and cooperate!